Strengths Deployment Inventory Workshop
Build a stronger sales team by understanding each member’s strengths and motivations
When you sell as a team, it’s vital to understand your teammates as well as your Clients. What drives their behavior? Why do they react that way when faced with conflict? How can we work better together, in a way that works for all of us?
Prior to the workshop, each participant takes two assessments – the MVS (Motivational Value System) and the Conflict Sequence. Each person gets their own personalized report. Individual results are plotted on a group chart for discussion at the workshop. The group then discusses:
- What are other people’s communication preferences
- Why it’s important to respect other people’s preferences – and to communicate your own
- How to recognize when someone is in conflict
- How to avoid conflict escalation
- What drives people to deliver better results
At a Glance
- PARTICIPANTS: Sales teams
- PREPARATION: All participants must submit assessments in advance of the workshop
- FORMAT: One 4-hour workshop, in-person or online
Program Outline
Collaborate and communicate more effectively
As a sales leader, you know your team does better when they like and respect each other. Get personal differences out of the way by showing why people behave differently – and how that can be a good thing. Clients see results like:
- Improved team morale
- New respect and leverage of other’s strengths and weaknesses
- Individuals motivated to develop their career and improve their relationships
- Clear expectations set
- Understanding how to motivate individual team members to improve performance