customer buying process

Customer Buying Process Workshop

Don’t push the sale. Align yourself with what, why and how your customers want to buy.

In a complex sale, you frequently have multiple parties influencing the decision, each with their own criteria. Rather than trying to get the buyer to conform to your sales process, in this workshop we step back to consider how we can make our process align to their customer buying patterns and preferences.


By the end of this workshop, participants will learn how to:

  • Describe and discern diverse stakeholder behaviors and their impact on the decision-making process
  • Overcome “no decision” by defining compelling reasons for change
  • Recognize the psychological and behavioral challenges of group decision-making
  • Link the buying process to your selling process

At a Glance

  • PARTICIPANTS: VPs of Sales, Account Executives, Solution Engineers, and Account Managers
  • COMPANIES: Companies who sell to decision-making groups (boards, corporations, committees)
  • FORMAT: 2-Part Webinar, 4 Hours each session, plus pre-work, plus homework

Program Outline

Sell to groups more effectively

When you have multiple people involved in a decision, you have to know who has influence, even if they don’t have decision making power. This session is packed with psychological and science-based methods to reach a favorable outcome. Your team will learn about:

  • The science of decision theory
  • Mental states of a stakeholder – how to recognize and address them
  • Framing
  • Choice and risk biases
  • Plus so much more!

Optimize Your Sales Strategy with our Customer Buying Process Workshop
Align your sales process to your customer’s buying preferences with our transformative Customer Buying Process Workshop. Designed to help you understand and adapt to complex sales environments, this workshop focuses on navigating the intricate decision-making processes of multiple parties, each with their own criteria. Instead of pushing the sale, we facilitate the seamless integration of your sales process into your customer’s buying process, turning the ‘Sale into a Buy’ and moving from ‘Push to Pull”.

Understand and Influence Stakeholder Behaviors
Our workshop participants learn how to identify and understand diverse stakeholder behaviors and their impact on the decision-making process. We equip you with the tools to overcome “do nothing” outcomes by defining compelling reasons for change and recognizing the psychological and behavioral challenges of group decision-making. By linking the buying process to your selling process, you can sell more effectively to groups such as boards, corporations, and committees.

Unleash the Power of Decision Theory

In our two-part webinar, you will dive deep into the science of decision theory, mental states of stakeholders, framing, and choice and risk biases. Understanding these elements allows you to recognize and address the mental states of stakeholders effectively. By applying these psychological and science-based methods, you can leverage influence and achieve a favorable outcome, even when dealing with parties that don’t have decision-making power.

Geared towards VPs of Sales, Account Executives, Solution Engineers, and Account Managers from companies that sell to decision-making groups, our Customer Buying Process Workshop is a game-changer in the world of complex B2B sales. Join us for this transformative experience, and revolutionize your sales strategy.


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