Financial selling sales training
Learn to talk “top line“ and “bottom line” with decision makers.
Your sales team will learn to:
- Have a better awareness of how corporate decisions impact business performance
- Read a profit and loss statement
- Understand financial terms such as equity, assets, and debt ratio (and why they’re so important!)
- Empathize with their prospects
At a Glance
- PARTICIPANTS: VPs of Sales, Account Executives, Solution Engineers, and Account Managers
- COMPANIES: Companies who sell big-ticket items to the C-suite (CEO, CFO, CTO, CIO, CMO, etc.)
- FORMAT: 3-Part Virtual Workshop over three days, highly customized to your use cases and examples
Program Objectives
Give your sales team a deeper understanding of the financial implications and considerations in a corporate environment.
Linear-thinking executives want to make decisions based on sound data to minimize the risk of project failure. Financial Selling shows you how to win the business by facilitating your team’s ability to:
- Establish credibility by speaking to their needs and concerns
- Use financial terminology correctly
- Make a convincing case that your solution will solve their problem
- Empathize and respect the daily challenges they face
- Revolutionize your Sales Strategy with our Comprehensive Financial Selling Sales Training
Elevate your sales performance with our specialized Financial Selling Sales Training program, meticulously created for sales professionals eager to master the art of consultative selling. The Financial Selling Workshop empowers your sales team to have a better awareness of how corporate decisions impact business performance and develop a comprehensive understanding of crucial financial concepts such as Hurdle Rate, IRR, NPV, Payback, how to glean insights from Profit and Loss Statements and Balance Sheets, why ROI is not the best metric to try to justify value, and how to create and present multi-year cash flow analysis and reports.
Workshop Description
The Financial Selling workshop helps Sales Professionals execute proper discovery to generate a “Financially Sound” Value Proposition to help drive more business. The workshop covers how executives, especially Finance Executives, measure value in their business and make financial decisions. The Sales Professional will learn how to construct a business case using the prospect’s financial metrics and develop a value proposition that links measurable business value to the prospect’s business issues suitable for all levels of the prospect’s organization, including the CXO level. This is achieved through essential mastery of reading the customer’s Financial Statements (P&L and Balance Sheet), determining appropriate Financial Metrics, and realizing the importance of and calculating NPV and IRR rather than traditional ROI and Payback.
During the workshop, the participants work on a case study focused on an example prospect. They learn how executives measure value in their business and gain a thorough understanding of the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet, how to construct a business case using their prospect’s financial metrics, and how to construct a value proposition that links measurable business value to the prospect’s business issues suitable for all levels of the prospect’s organization including the CXO level.
This workshop combines SellXL, Financial and Business Acumen, and other Executive-Level Value-prop and conversation workshops.
Workshop Outcomes
- Ability to analyze a prospect’s business structure, quickly determine what part of the organization is being affected by business issues, and target the right executive and critical influencers
- How to research the prospect, especially related to financial conditions
- Understanding how prospects evaluate business investments
- Ability to estimate a company’s cost of capital and business investment hurdle rates, how companies create value for their shareholders and analyze a prospect’s business performance
- Ability to determine and utilize a company’s investment hurdle rate for multi-year cash flow analysis used by company senior executives
- Ability to use Excel’s financial measurement functions, such as NPV and IRR
- Ability to quantify the impact of important Direct, In-direct, and Non-financial business case benefits
- Ability to document a business case with an impactful Value Proposition based on financial metrics
Workshop Objectives
The key objectives of this workshop are to:
- Establish how to discover a customer’s Business Drivers and Investment decision-making process
- Determine how executives measure value in their business
- Gain a thorough understanding of the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet
- Evaluate the customer’s financial data and implications and Calculate vital financial metrics
- Construct a business case using the prospect’s financial metrics
- Construct a value proposition that links measurable business value to the prospect’s business issues suitable for all levels of the prospect’s organization, including the CXO level.
Recommended Prerequisites
This workshop is designed to follow and leverage the Sales Opportunity Snapshot (SOS) and Selling to Executives (SellXL) workshops.